How Renewable Energy Can Save the World

Rodney Wiltshire

December 12, 2022

Using renewable energy is an important part of saving our environment, and it is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint. In this article, we’ll discuss three forms of renewable energy, hydroelectricity, wind turbines and concentrated solar power. These types of energy sources are cleaner, cheaper and greener than any other form of energy and can help us to avoid environmental catastrophes.


Until recently, hydroelectricity was the biggest renewable energy source in the world. But the industry has changed. The dams used in hydropower are not perfect, and there are environmental and social costs. The industry has changed to concentrate on building hydropower dams in the developing world.

Hydropower is an efficient and renewable source of energy. It is also an important part of the solution to climate change. It helps to avoid the burning of fossil fuels, which releases emissions of carbon dioxide, particulate matter, and other climate-changing gases.

Hydroelectricity has been around for centuries. But it is only in recent years that the world has begun to discover its full potential. It can provide clean water, help irrigate fields, and drain marshy land. It is also a source of energy storage. Its potential is enormous, and it deserves to be rediscovered.

The world’s existing hydropower capacity needs to rise to 2,150 GW by 2050 to keep global temperature increases below two degrees Celsius. And it will have to rise by an additional 60 per cent to meet demand.

Concentrated solar power

Often referred to as solar thermoelectricity, concentrated solar power is a form of solar energy that is used to produce electricity. The technology involves using mirrors to focus the sun’s rays and use the heat to drive an engine. The heat is then transferred to a liquid or gas, which is used as a working fluid. The thermal energy is then used to generate steam that drives a turbine or an electrical generator.

In addition to producing energy, a CSP plant can be used to help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This process involves using low-grade heat as a source of energy and capturing atmospheric carbon through a filter. The energy can be stored and used when the sun isn’t shining.

The Ivanpah Solar Power Facility, located in California, is the largest CSP facility in the United States. It produces enough electricity to power more than 392 megawatts of homes.

The Ouarzazate Solar Complex in Morocco consists of three concentrating solar power (CSP) plants. Its total capacity is 510 MW.

Wind turbines

Compared to the first wind turbine, which was 50 feet high and produced electricity, modern wind turbines are much larger and more technologically advanced. These power plants are capable of producing electricity for years without maintenance.

The wind power industry is a growing industry in the United States. The sector employs over 120,000 people in all fifty states. They have also generated $151 billion in investment in the last decade.

In terms of renewable energy, solar is the best-known alternative, but wind energy is also an important source. It is estimated that wind accounts for about five per cent of global electricity production.

The energy produced by a wind turbine is stored for later use. If a wind turbine produces more than it needs, it can be connected to the electrical grid to store the energy. In some cases, batteries can be used to store wind energy.

These devices are also environmentally friendly. Wind power has limited emissions. It can be used to produce electricity at night and during the day. It does not release acid rain, resulting in less pollution.


Despite the benefits of transitioning away from fossil fuels, biofuels and renewable energy can also have negative impacts on the environment. For instance, biofuel production increases fertilizer use, and biofuels can deforest regions of the planet. It can also lead to air pollution, as well as loss of biodiversity.

There is a need for research to evaluate the global impact of biofuels and renewable energy transition. However, this research is not yet fully developed. In particular, it is not clear how the transportation of biofuel emission products will affect global air quality.

While biofuels can reduce GHG emissions, they may not do so adequately. For example, a tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere by cutting biofuels costs $300-400, while it costs only $30-$40 to cut a tonne of carbon from fossil fuels. This is because the cost of cutting a tonne of carbon from biofuel is usually considered to be an “opportunity cost.”

Biofuels are not always a clean fuel source. For example, if biofuels are burned in road transport, the GHG emissions will be high, but they will not be reduced enough to achieve the Paris Agreement’s climate target of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degC.